These are the parts in which a golf course is divided
If you are learning to play golf or you are already a beginner player, knowing the parts and areas of a golf course will allow you, not only to speak properly with your partners, but also to help you interpret in a correct way the rules of golf.
Depending on those areas and the consideration made of each of them; the rules can help you to make a shot without penalty.
Areas and parts that a golf course has:
Each of the 18 holes of our golf course in Murcia will consist of tee, fairway, rough and green and in some of them there may be water obstacles and bunkers. Each of the zones can be found in this order although the situation of water hazards and bunkers will depend on the design of each course.
The tee is the place where we put the ball to play the first shot of each hole. We can find several tees per hole, which are indicated by a colour that will correspond to the gender and age of each player. The piece of wood or plastic that is used to raise the ball is also called tee.
It is the area of the course located between the tee and the green. The distance of the fairway will depend on the par of the hole and also on the design of the golf course. So for a par 3 holes the fairway is very short and in some holes non-existent, for par 4 holes the fairway distance is calculated approximately to make only one shot from that surface to the green and in par 5 holes to make two shots from the fairway until you reach the green.
Surrounding the fairway we find the rough, it is a strip of grass in which the height hinders the shot to benefit the players who have placed the ball in the right place, which is the fairway.
Hazards are traps that the designer uses to protect some areas of the course and increase the difficulty. We can differentiate between water hazards and sand hazards also called bunkers. The water hazards are marked on the golf course with red stakes if we find it frontally or with yellow stakes if we enthrone it on some side of the hole. This distinction is important when interpreting the way to drop the ball when our ball has fallen into the obstacle.
The bunker is a normally sand trap that is located in areas close to the green or at the height of the ball drop when the first hit is made from the tee and that hinders the next shot by being more difficult to control the behaviour of the ball from the sand that from the grass. We can also find grass bunkers that, like sand ones, make it difficult to hit from within.
The famous green
In it we find the hole and the flag, which indicates where the hole is placed. The height of cut of the grass is between 2.5mm and 4mm and is the most delicate part of the golf course and where it is mandatory to repair the ball mark and not perform additional damage such as that which can occur when dragging feet or hit the ball with a different club than the putt.
A strip called antegreen normally surrounds the green and that has a higher grass height than the green but without reaching the height of the fairway grass.